
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Mehrgan Hospital was established with the aim of providing special services during pregnancy and has started its activity in order to improve the level of health care and improve the quality of specialized treatment processes for this group of patients. This department tries to provide the required medical services in the best possible way by using modern equipment as well as the current knowledge of specialist doctors and experienced staff. In this department, medical services for gynecological diseases, natural childbirth, and cesarean delivery are provided at the highest level of quality.

The most important services of this department are:

1.Cesarean section


3. Repair of prolapsed bladder with a hysterectomy

4. Laparoscopy (diagnosis of infertility)

5. Laparoscopy (ovarian cyst)

6. Laparotomy operation (ovarian cyst)

7. Hysterectomy: (Hysterectomy is a type of surgery during which the uterus is removed from the body. This procedure is used to treat many problems, such as pelvic pain, menstrual problems, tumors and other related diseases)

8. Cerculage: (sewing the cervix)

9. Close the pipe