

If you have problems in your upper digestive system, such as: pain in the abdomen, stomach, difficulty in swallowing food, vomiting, bleeding, wounds, lumps, endoscopy is a method for observing the internal parts of the body and in diagnosing or treating your disease. It is helpful.

What is an endoscope?

The endoscope is a long and thin tube that is flexible and receives images. The details of the images through a screen help the doctor to diagnose your problem. It is possible to remove a polyp through an endoscope. If the source of an ulcer is found, it is burned by the endoscope to stop the bleeding. If the doctor sees a suspicious tissue, he takes a sample from it, which is called a biopsy.
A biopsy is a useful method used to diagnose abnormal cell growth. Also, endoscopy determines the bacteria that cause digestive ulcers.

Do we need hospitalization after endoscopy?

Endoscopy is usually considered as an outpatient procedure, which means that you can go home after doing it. This procedure may be performed in a doctor's office or hospital.

Before endoscopy

First of all, talk to your doctor about the specific problem and disease you have or the medicine you are taking. Because problems related to the lungs and heart may require special treatment before, during, or after the endoscopy. Some people need antibiotics before these steps.

If you use medicine, you should ask your doctor if you can take it before endoscopy or not?

Do not use aspirin or ibuprofen before the endoscopy. Do not use similar products 7 days before endoscopy, as these products increase the risk of bleeding during endoscopy.

After the endoscopy, the doctor will tell you when you can use your medicines again.

Why should our stomach be empty during endoscopy?

The presence of food in the upper digestive tract prevents the observation of the desired part, in addition, it causes vomiting and complex problems.

After endoscopy

Do not eat anything until the numbness returns.

When you get ready to go home, you don't drive.

Inform your doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

Painful swallowing, swollen throat, chest pain, vomiting, fever and black or very dark stools.


It is used in the diagnosis of colon diseases such as polyps, colon cancer, chronic inflammation of the colon or infections.
These diseases can turn into colon cancer.

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers among men and women and can affect several family members. Colonoscopy is a common procedure that allows the doctor to diagnose and treat colon cancer in the early stages. Colon cancer is usually seen in the beginning as an appendage called a polyp that hangs inside the large intestine. Not all polyps are cancerous. But they need to be well checked and observed. Colon cancer is characterized by signs of blood in the stool (black or very dark stools) and changes in bowel habits.

What is a colonoscope?

This device is a flexible tube that is inserted through the anus into your large intestine. This tube has a light source that transmits images from the inside of the large intestine onto a screen and allows the doctor to see inside the intestine. See the big one.

where is cologne

The colon is the last part of the intestine, which is also called the large intestine. Fibers and digested food reach the large intestine after passing through the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. In the large intestine, water, salts and other nutrients are absorbed, and the stool is stored in the end of the intestine before being excreted.

Before colonoscopy

For a colonoscopy, the colon must be clean. You need to follow the instructions of your doctor and nurse. until your bowels are empty of feces.