
1- The importance of fasting before surgery

If the doctor has ordered the patient not to eat a few hours before the operation (from 24 hours before the operation), the patient must not eat or drink anything in all meals and snacks, which include sweets, light meals, etc. Because during the surgery, the stomach must be empty so that the food does not enter the lungs during anesthesia and the patient does not feel nauseous.

The patient should not eat or drink anything for eight hours before the surgery. Of course, in emergency surgeries where there is no opportunity to not eat and empty the stomach for a while, the anesthesiologist uses methods to reduce the possibility of this complication.

If the patient is taking insulin due to diabetes, he should refrain from eating and drinking before the operation. In the meantime, the medical team should be aware of his condition and take precautionary measures if necessary

2- Compliance with all personal hygiene tips

Hours before surgery, the patient's body should be cleaned of any lotions, creams and cosmetics. The operation site and a few centimeters around it must be shaved (in order to reduce the risk of infection, take a bath the night before the operation and the hair in the operation area and its surroundings should be shaved with a razor or razor - don't use a razor or a razor - gentlemen, clean your face and chest try not to cut your skin) and the patient should not wear any make-up, nail polish or nail implants until the end of the procedure.

Because with this, less unwanted bacteria enter the hospital. Also, observing this point helps the doctors to see the natural condition of the skin and nails of the person and to make sure that the blood circulation is healthy. It is also possible that some hospitals ask the patient to take a shower before surgery, in which case their advice should be followed.

3- Items that should not be taken to the hospital

As much as possible, the patient should not carry gold, bracelets, bangles, jewelry, etc., because the hospital and treatment center will not accept any responsibility for them.

.اگر بیمار ناخن مصنوعی دارد باید درآورده شود و تمام لاک های روی ناخن پاک شوند

The patient should not use hearing aids, glasses and artificial teeth during surgery

All jewelry and finger rings must be removed before surgery.

4-Satisfaction of surgery

Before performing the surgery, an informed consent will be obtained from you that the merits, risks and possible side effects of the treatment method suggested by the doctor, the consequences of leaving the suggested treatment, alternatives other than the treatment method of the attending physician, side effects related to anesthesia, diagnostic measures in the case are not necessary. After the provided treatment method and the subsequent costs, including the use of the treatment method, the temporary social consequences, the need for permanent or special post-discharge care and the like, and the discharge care considerations will be explained to you by the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.

Patients over eighteen years of legal age must sign the consent form themselves. In the case of the patient's lack of consciousness or incapacity due to reasons such as not reaching the legal age, drunkenness, anesthesia, concussions, and lack of consciousness enough to be able to sign the form, the father, grandfather, eldest male child, spouse, in the case of women, the form and they must be present to record the consent letter during hospitalization. signs and must be present to register the consent form during hospitalization, if the guardian or legal guardian is not present, the surgery will be canceled.

When accepting the bracelet, on which your details are written and tied to your hand, read it and declare any discrepancies.

In case of sensitivity, a red tape is used to indicate on the bracelet.

5- Bring medical documents with you.

If you have previous clinical documents (cardiogram and echocardiogram and consultation-ultrasound report, CT scan, tests, medications, etc.), bring them with you to the department.

Medicines such as aspirin, plavix, warfarin, oxabin should be stopped 5 days before the operation

6-Information of records.

Inform the doctor and nurse of any type of disease (asthma, shortness of breath, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, etc.) or drug sensitivity or previous surgical history.

If you are suffering from any type of disease such as hepatitis or AIDS, for special care, be sure to inform the doctor and nurse during hospitalization.

In case of smoking or any other kind of drugs, inform the doctor and nurse of the ward. And avoid smoking 24 hours before the operation.

In case of cold, tooth abscess, herpes, be sure to inform the inpatient department.

7- Before the operating room

Before going to the operating room, wear a blue dress that is closed in the front and comes with pants and a hat, remove all your clothes (even underwear) and take them with you.

Make sure your bladder is empty

If you are over 40 years old, you will have heart consultation, chest X-ray, and ECG.

8- In the operating room

In the general area of ​​the operating room, the patient waits in a waiting room with other patients and then is sent to the main room where the surgery is performed. The operating room is usually colder than the ward

In some hospitals, the patient goes directly from the waiting room to the main surgery room, where anesthesia is given and the surgery begins.

The operating room is a large room with about 20-30 square meters or even more. Its walls are tiled and its floor is covered with special flooring. In the center of the operating room is the surgical bed

There are large lights hanging from the ceiling of the operating room and above the surgical bed, which are used to illuminate the surgical site. Above the surgical bed there are devices including various monitors and ventilators.

An anesthetist is placed next to these devices and performs his duties. Around the operating room, there are tables on which the instruments needed for surgery are placed.